Polyglot Journey: October 2023 Update

1 min readOct 7, 2023


Here’s my October 2023 Polyglot Journey update: I decided to not pursue learning Japanese and instead focus on other commitments. I will continue my studies in Turkish, Hindi, Russian, and Korean. My primary language learning tools remains Duolingo, and I also enjoy watching Turkish and Korean TV shows to immerse myself further. I realize I should strengthen my foundational knowledge in Russian and Hindi. Overall I think I should get better at grammar. While Cantonese and Mandarin are still on my radar, I haven’t actively dedicated time to them at the moment.

I sometimes dream of one day fluently speaking 4 languages in addition to English, but I’ve not put in enough time and effort to achieve that yet. Nevertheless, my determination to achieve fluency in these languages remains steadfast even if it’s just me slowly chipping away at 4 languages little bit a day. As October unfolds, I’m gearing up to intensify my language studies, embracing the unique beauty of each language and striving for higher levels of proficiency.




Written by Dana

a person with wanderlust and medium-size dreams, sharing her suffering and joy with the world through words

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