Unemployed: Enduring the Unknown

2 min readMar 4, 2023


Unemployment can be a difficult and challenging time in one’s life, but it can also be an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. As someone who has experienced unemployment multiple times, I know firsthand the struggles that come with it. It can feel like your worth as a person is tied to your job, and the negative thoughts and feelings can quickly spiral out of control.

However, I also know that life is all about adapting to the situations that befall us. Even though my journey has not always been a linear upward progression, I have always been able to find something to take me to the next step. And while it may not always feel like it, progress is still progress, even if it’s not happening as quickly as we would like.

But this time around, things feel different. The world around us feels more negative and uncertain than ever before, and it’s easy to feel alone in the journey. There are physical obstacles that have been placed in front of us that make it harder to succeed. Jobs with living wages are scarce, and natural and man-made disasters seem to be happening more frequently.

Despite all of this, I know that I cannot give up. The feeling of not knowing what’s next can be overwhelming, but I must keep moving forward. Some days are better than others, but the important thing is to keep going. This heaviness that I feel may be resistance training or it may be crushing my soul, but I won’t let it defeat me.

I may not know what the future holds, but I am determined to adapt and overcome any obstacles that come my way. And while it may be a difficult journey, I know that it will be worth it in the end. I will continue to move forward, even if it’s not always in a linear upward progression. Because I know that every step forward, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. And who knows what the next step may bring? It could be the breakthrough that changes everything.




a person with wanderlust and medium-size dreams, sharing her suffering and joy with the world through words